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Dr. Lauren Speare 
Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Ocean Science & Engineering

My lab investigates the social lives of marine bacteria, how they interact with their surrounding environment, and how these interactions impact the ecosystems they inhabit. Currently our projects focus on bacterial symbionts and pathogens of marine invertebrates with an emphasis on Scleractinian corals.

My lab's research uses interdisciplinary approaches to address questions about marine microbial ecology. Using a combination of genetic, molecular, bioinformatic, and in vivo experimentation, our work aims to provide insights into fundamental microbiology, symbiosis establishment & maintenance, and disease progression & mitigation.

Chloe Manley
Lab Technician

My research interests lie in the dynamics of marine microbial ecology, specifically the interactions between bacterial diseases, their coral hosts, and fluxing human-driven nutrient subsidies. In the Speare Lab, I conduct both lab-based and reef-based studies to further understand these interactions' roles in coral health and resilience.

Dr. Macey Coppinger
Postdoctoral Fellow

I am interested in studying host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions through the use of bacterial genetics and experimental evolution. In the Speare lab, I work with predator and prey bacteria to identify genes and mechanisms involved in prey specificity and overall predation efficiency. I also hope to develop molecular genetics tools for Halobacteriovorax to further the study of these marine predators.


Kelly Lumpkin
PhD Student

My research interests include anything surrounding marine conservation and sustainability. My research experience spans from cichlid behavior in mating to Great Barrier Reef monitoring. In the Speare Lab, I am researching coral disease and potential mitigation strategies to improve coral reef health.


Priya Master

I am a third year at Georgia Tech and am excited to continue learning about the complexities of microbial interactions in a variety of contexts. In the Speare Lab I examine temperature-dependent effects on the coral symbiont Endozoicomonas.



Adam Young
Research Assistant

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